Free Legacy Planning Consultation! Call Us today (254) 235-3901

About Us
Meet Gil Lillard
Gil has over 30 years in the insurance business and has helped countless clients protect their families and legacies. A lifelong resident of Waco, Texas, Gil Lillard spent much of his young adult life as an entrepreneur. After taking business, psychology and general education courses at McLennan Community College, Gil launched a career in food service, and at the end of 14 years he had six hamburger restaurants, a catering company, a vending machine supply company, a convenience store, and a wholesale sandwich manufacturing company. And in his spare time, he ran his parents’ liquor store!

Contact Us
(254) 235-3901 | Fax (254) 235-4266
Hours: Mon - Fri
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Outside Hours and Saturdays, by Appointment Only
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